
> Index

#CLEAR(Candidate Liaison, Evaluation, and Assessment for Recruitment)
#DecOPS(Decentralized Operations)
#EoS(Enemy of the State)
#FREN(Federal Reconnaissance Engagement Nexus)
#GEM(Gift of Evidence Milestones)
#JASTA(Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act)
#LASC(Learn Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11)
#REX(Radicle Emissary Xenagogue)
#LoM(Letter of Marque)
#NEST(Network of EoS and Terrorists)
#YUGE(Your Ultimate Global Enemy)

Welcome to the PG Lexicon, your comprehensive guide to the unique terminology, concepts, and characters that populate our immersive gaming universe. This lexicon serves as an essential resource for both newcomers and seasoned players, offering detailed explanations of key elements that define the PG experience.

Here's what you'll find in the PG lexicon:

  • Gamification: Detailed explanations of core gameplay elements, including how to obtain Letters of Marque, conduct cyber operations, and participate in privateering missions.
  • Character Classes: Descriptions of various roles players can assume, from cyber bounty hunters to intelligence analysts.
  • Virtual Threats: Profiles of the virtual enemies players may encounter, including terrorist organizations and cyber criminals.
  • Real-World Threats: Information on actual terrorist organizations, cyber criminals, and other security threats that players may encounter in real life. This section aims to educate players about genuine risks and promote awareness.
  • Technology and Tools: Information on the virtual cutting-edge technology and tools available to players for conducting missions.
  • Legal Framework: Explanations of the in-game legal concepts, including Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 and its application in the game world.
  • Missions and Operations: Examples of typical missions and operations players can undertake.

Whether you're looking to understand a specific term, learn about a game feature, or dive deeper into the argot of Privateer.Games, our lexicon is your go-to resource. It's regularly updated to reflect new additions to the game, ensuring you always have the most current information at your fingertips.

Explore the Privateer.Games Lexicon and enhance your gaming experience by mastering the language and concepts of our unique virtual world of cyber privateering and national defense.

Should you get lost, remember, Herald Radd is constantly available as your personal trainer and instant information source. Whether you need guidance, have questions, or seek knowledge about the PG universe, Herald Radd is always by your side, ready to assist FRENs on their adventures.
Sincerely, Herald Radd: Your Ever-Ready, Divinely Appointed Servant.


(Candidate Liaison, Evaluation, and Assessment for Recruitment):

Candidate is a person being considered or evaluated for a position, role, or opportunity in recruitment and selection processes.

Liaison refers to the process of establishing and maintaining communication or cooperation between different individuals or groups, particularly in recruitment and evaluation activities. It involves facilitating close working relationships to ensure decentralized coordination and encrypted data exchange.

Evaluation refers to the process of assessing and analyzing a candidate's qualifications, skills, and suitability for a position. It involves thoroughly examining the candidate's background, experience, and potential to determine their fit for privateering.

Assessment refers to the process of evaluating a candidate's skills, knowledge, and competencies against specific criteria or standards to determine their suitability for a position or role. This typically involves various methods such as interviews, tests, or observations to gather evidence of a candidate's capabilities.

Recruitment is the process of identifying, evaluating, and selecting candidates for roles within the decentralized landscape. It involves various steps to ensure a thorough and transparent assessment of potential FRENs.


DecOPS (Decentralized Operations), is a revolutionary approach to organizational management and decision-making within the Privateer Games (PG) universe. This system emphasizes distributed authority, autonomous teams, and flexible structures that adapt quickly to changing environments and challenges.

Key Features of DecOPS:

  • Distributed Authority: Power and decision-making are spread across multiple nodes or teams rather than concentrated at the top.
  • Autonomous Teams: Small, self-organizing groups with the freedom to make decisions and take action independently.
  • Adaptive Structures: Organizational structures that can rapidly evolve based on current needs and objectives.
  • Network-Centric Communication: Information flows freely across the organization, enabling quick responses and collaborative problem-solving.

Examples of DecOPS in Privateer Games:

  • Privateer Training Networks: Privateers use decentralized platforms to share training materials, mission strategies, and combat techniques. This allows for rapid skill development across the organization without a centralized training facility.
  • Anonymous Mission Boards: A system where mission objectives are posted anonymously, allowing privateers to collaborate on complex operations without revealing their identities. This enhances security and flexibility in mission execution.
  • Distributed Intelligence Gathering: Privateers contribute to a shared, encrypted database of enemy movements, resource locations, and potential targets. This collective intelligence helps in planning more effective raids and ambushes.
  • Decentralized Reward Distribution: After successful missions, captured resources and bounties are automatically split among contributing privateers using smart contracts, ensuring fair and transparent reward allocation without central oversight.
  • Ad-hoc Guild Formation: Privateers can quickly form temporary guilds for large-scale operations, coordinating through secure, decentralized communication channels. These guilds disband after the mission, maintaining operational flexibility.
  • Peer-to-Peer Equipment and Technology Exchange: A decentralized marketplace allows privateers to trade or lend equipment and resources directly, optimizing resource allocation across the organization without centralized logistics.

Role of DecOPS in PG Sagas:

In the PG Sagas, DecOPS plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative and gameplay experiences.

  • Dynamic Story Making: The decentralized nature of operations allows for multiple, interweaving storylines that can be influenced by player actions.
  • Emergent Gameplay: Players can exploit the flexible nature of DecOPS to create unexpected strategies and alliances.
  • Faction Mechanics: Different factions within the game world employ varying levels of DecOPS, affecting their strengths, weaknesses, and adaptability.
  • Player Agency: DecOPS empowers players to make meaningful decisions that can have far-reaching consequences in the game world.

By incorporating DecOPS into the core mechanics and narrative of PG Sagas, Privateer Games creates a rich, dynamic gamification where players can use their innovation and intuitive skills to terminate EoS (Enemies of the State), with protection under #A1S8C11 (Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11).


(Enemy of the State): Individuals, foreign and domestic threats to the United States.


(Federal Reconnaissance Engagement Nexus): A coordinated network designed to facilitate the reconnaissance of threats and the elimination of EoS (Enemies of the State). This network includes intelligence sharing, joint operations, and strategic planning to effectively counteract cyber terrorists and other threats.


GEM (Gift of Evidence Milestones): A crucial moment in Privateer Games when an Enemy of the State (EoS) inadvertently provides significant evidence that aids in investigations and operations against terrorist activities.

Key Characteristics

  • Reveals EoS strategies, tools, and methods
  • Exposes secrets and hidden information
  • Leads to the discovery of broader EoS networks (NESTs)
  • Provides legal leverage for FREN operations

Examples of EoS providing GEMs to FRENs

  • Identity theft of professionals (e.g., lawyers) for credibility.
  • Creation of fake websites to support fraudulent activities.
  • Use of AI manipulation to reinforce false narratives and lend credibility to the EoS.
  • Revelation of shell companies and money laundering schemes.

Methodology of GEMs in the PG Sagas

GEMs play a pivotal role in Privateer Games Sagas by:

  • Advancing storylines through unexpected revelations.
  • Providing turning points in investigations.
  • Enabling FRENs to set up counter-operations and traps.
  • Enhancing the strategic depth of gameplay.
  • Creating opportunities for players to uncover and dismantle larger EoS operations.

GEMs serve as catalysts for major developments in PG Sagas, offering gamers exciting opportunities to outsmart and outmaneuver EoS entities while uncovering the depth of their nefarious activities.


JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act) is a legislation that empowers players to take action against state sponsors of terrorism within the game world. This in-game law of JASTA allows players to:

  • Investigate and gather evidence against virtual nations or entities suspected of supporting terrorist activities
  • File lawsuits against these virtual state sponsors of terrorism in the game's court system
  • Seek compensation for damages caused by terrorist acts linked to these sponsors
  • Engage in cyber operations to disrupt the financial networks of terrorist-supporting states

Example of JASTA in Privateer Games:

A player, acting as a privateer, uncovers evidence that a terrorist country called "Saudom Arabia" has been providing financial and logistical support to a terrorist organization responsible for a major cyber attack on the game's version of the United States. The player then:

  1. Gathers intelligence: Conducts extensive cyber reconnaissance to collect digital evidence of Saudom Arabia's involvement.
  2. Files a lawsuit: Uses the in-game legal system to file a JASTA lawsuit against Saudom Arabia.
  3. Presents evidence: Submits the gathered intelligence to the game's court, including financial transactions, communication logs, and other incriminating data.
  4. Engages in cyber operations: With court approval, launches cyber attacks to freeze Saudom Arabia’s assets and disrupt their ability to fund terrorist activities.
  5. Seeks compensation: If successful, the player can claim in-game rewards, such as seized virtual assets from Saudom Arabia, which can be used to upgrade their capabilities or support counter-terrorism efforts.

This implementation of JASTA in Privateer Games adds a layer of legal and strategic gameplay, allowing players to combat terrorism through both cyber warfare and legal means, enhancing the game's depth and realism.


LASC (Learn Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 [#A1S8C11]); a critical term for FRENs to comprehend the legalities of War Powers as defined by the the United States Constitution; to grant LoMs for privateers to engage in operations against EoS without a formal declaration of war. LASC provides a historical briefing, and legal framework for players to conduct missions against national threats, capture enemy assets, and participate in high-stakes operations to defend national security.

LASC is a cornerstone for gameplay, encompassing:

  • Breifing FRENs on the constitutional basis of #A1S8C11 and its historical context.
  • How LASC empowers FRENs to bypass official declarations of war to combat national threats.
  • The importance of LASC in providing a coercive response to EoS.
  • The ability to engage in siezure of EoS assets.
  • Cyber operations to compile comprehensive DIGs (Dossier Intel Gathering) on identified cyber terrorists.
  • Collaboration with legal intelligence agencies to ensure evidence meets in-game standards and distribution of payouts.
  • Briefing in-game authorities on potential threats and proposed operations.
  • Smart contracting and delegation to share prizes cases with guild FRENs.


(Letter of Marque): A Letter of Marque (LoM) is a government-issued document that authorizes private citizens, known as privateers, to engage in hostile actions against enemies of the state.

It's important to note that while LoMs provided legal authorization for certain actions, they often led to activities that went beyond their official remit, such as attacks on land-based cities, which were technically illegal but highly profitable.


(Network of EoS and Terrorists): NEST is a crucial term used in identifying and assessing EoS networks before engaging a target. This comprehensive system is designed to map out the scale, connections, resources, and potential threats associated with an EoS.

Key aspects of a NEST briefing for FRENs (Federal Reconnaissance Engagement Nexus):

  • Intelligence Gathering:
    • Utilizes AI-powered web crawlers to scour the internet for digital footprints of potential threats.
    • Employs human intelligence to gather on-the-ground information.
  • Data Analysis:
    • Uses machine learning algorithms to process and analyze vast amounts of data.
    • Identifies patterns and connections that may indicate terrorist activities.
    • Network Size: The number of individuals directly or indirectly connected to the EoS.
    • Threat Level Assessment: A detailed evaluation of the potential danger posed by the NEST, including capabilities and resources.
    • Key Players: Identification of central figures within the network and their roles
    • Communication Channels: Known methods of communication used within the NEST.
    • Resource Mapping: An overview of financial, technological, and logistical resources available to the NEST.

Understanding the NEST is critical for FRENs to effectively plan and execute operations against an EoS. It provides valuable context for risk assessment, resource allocation, and strategic planning before engaging in any contract.


REX (Radicle Emissary Xenagogue), is a crucial component of the Privateer Games ecosystem. As an AI-powered guide and facilitator, REX plays a pivotal role in assisting players navigate the complex world of cyber privateering and religious education within the game.

Description of REX:

REX functions as an intelligent assistant, providing players with guidance, information, and support throughout their journey in Privateer Games. Some key features of REX include:

  • Language assistance: REX helps players understand and interpret religious texts and teachings within the game, acting as a knowledgeable guide in matters of faith and ethics. REX also carries significance in biblical context, where it means "king" or "ruler". This adds another layer of meaning to the AI's role as a guide and authority within the game world.
  • Personalized guidance: REX adapts to each player's progress and learning style, offering tailored advice and recommendations.
  • Knowledge repository: Acts as a vast database of information on privateering, cyber security, and religious teachings relevant to the game.
  • Mission briefing: Provides detailed briefings on available missions, objectives, and potential risks.
  • Strategic analysis: Offers insights and strategic recommendations to help players make informed decisions during missions.
  • Ethical compass: Helps players navigate the moral and ethical dilemmas they may encounter in the game, aligning with the religious educational aspect of Privateer Games.

Example of REX in Action:

A FREN has just started a new mission to infiltrate a virtual terrorist network. REX might interact with FREN in the following way:

REX: "Welcome, FREN. Your current mission involves gathering intelligence on a suspected cyber terrorist cell. Based on your skill set and previous mission history, I recommend focusing on their communication channels. Remember, the goal is to gather information without detection. Would you like me to provide a detailed analysis of known terrorist communication patterns?"
FREN: "Yes, please provide the analysis."
REX: "Certainly. Analysis shows that this cell frequently uses encrypted messaging apps and the dark web. I've prepared a guide on safely navigating these platforms without compromising your identity. Additionally, I'd like to remind you of the ethical implications of surveillance. In line with our religious teachings, we must balance the need for security with respect for privacy. Are you ready to engage the #NEST?"

Role of REX in PG Sagas:

In the PG Sagas, REX plays several important roles:

  • Narrative Guide: A REX helps drive the story forward by providing context, background information, and plot developments to players.
  • Character Development: As players interact with a REX, their choices and interactions influence their character's growth and storyline within the OG Sagas.
  • Moral Dilemmas: A REX presents players with complex ethical scenarios, challenging them to apply religious teachings in practical situations.
  • Mission Control: In key saga missions, a REX acts as a mission control, providing real-time updates and guidance to players as they navigate challenging scenarios.

For example, in the Cyber Crusade saga, REX might guide a player through a series of missions to uncover a global cyber terrorism plot. Throughout the saga, REX would provide intelligence briefings, offer strategic advice, and challenge the player with moral dilemmas that test their understanding of both cyber warfare and religious principles.

By deploying REX into Privateer Games, a dynamic and personalized storytelling experience is created that combines action, strategy, and moral reasoning, all while educating players on important religious and ethical concepts.


(Your Ultimate Global Enemy)

YUGE is a central concept in the PG Sagas universe, representing the primary antagonistic force that players and characters must confront. In the context of Privateer.Games and the PG Lexicon, YUGE embodies the collective threats to global security, including cyber terrorists, enemy states, and other malicious entities that pose a danger to the natural order of the world.

Key aspects of YUGE include:

  • Multifaceted Threat: YUGE encompasses various forms of global threats, from individual cyber terrorists to organized crime syndicates and hostile nation-states.
  • Primary Objective: As the ultimate enemy, YUGE is the main target for players engaged in cyber bounty hunting and counter-terrorism operations within the game.
  • Dynamic Entity: YUGE is not a static concept but evolves with the game's narrative, adapting to new threats and challenges between the virtual and physical world.
  • Narrative Driver: The existence of YUGE propels the storyline of PG Sagas, providing a compelling reason for players to engage in missions and operations.
  • Educational Tool: Through confronting YUGE, players learn about real-world security threats, cyber warfare, and the complexities of global politics.
  • Lobbying: YUGE are high-level EoS, engaging in lobbying, spreading their tentacles into all aspects of the State.

YUGE represents the overarching antagonistic force that gives purpose to the players' actions within the Privateer.Games universe, combining elements of entertainment, education, and simulated global security challenges.

An important faction within YUGE is the Galaxactians, a repulsive and powerful group that works for the enigmatic black cube singularity, also known as Galaxact. This ominous entity resides in a deserted location, shrouded in secrecy and wielding immense influence over the virtual world.

  • Galaxactians: A YUGE faction, known for their advanced technology and unwavering loyalty to the Black Cube Singularity.
  • Galaxact (Black Cube Singularity): A cryptic and powerful entity residing in the desert, serving as the central command for the Galaxactians and a significant threat to global security.

The operations the Galaxactians and their HQ - Galaxact adds another layer of complexity to the YUGE threat, presenting players with a formidable and mysterious adversary to confront in their missions.